potty train miniature schnauzer
how to potty train a miniature Schnauzer
authors: mitch and erica wysong Erica Wysong 10+ years Experience Breeding Schnauzers
Mitch Wysong 10+ years Experience Breeding Schnauzers

How To Potty Train A Miniature Schnauzer 

It can be easy to feel frustrated when our miniature schnauzers lose control of their bowels and let loose. However, we have to be patient and remember that young puppies don’t have the ability to maintain their bladder control yet. Learning how to potty train a miniature schnauzer doesn’t have to be a daunting task.

We understand the dread that can happen though. Because training our puppies is a lot like training a toddler to go potty. However, we can guarantee that it will not only help your schnauzer’s development but also help you bond with your puppy. 

Keep Your Schnauzer On a Routine

potty train miniature schnauzer

With potty training comes a gaggle of ideas and advice on the best ways to train your puppies. But, the most important thing to remember is to keep your schnauzer puppy on a routine. We understand that life gets in the way. 

Work wants you to stay late, the kids have an unexpected baseball practice, or you’re exhausted and don’t want to get up in the middle of the night. There are numerous reasons why getting knocked off the potty training schedule can happen. But, try your absolute best to keep the schedule down tight until potty training is over with. 

Should you know in advance that you have a work schedule, planned activities, or just won’t be at the house make sure to have someone that can stop by to let your puppy out. Preferably someone who can stop by a few times, or even remain with the puppy the entire time you’re out.

Doggy Daycare

potty train miniature schnauzer

Quality doggy daycare can be a great resource. However, there is a risk of infection and disease or aggression from the other dogs.

If you plan to use a daycare, do some research to ensure that the daycare you choose is well-reviewed and has enough employees to care for all the dogs. This will help their potty training to continue all day while at doggy daycare.

As a side note: your puppy can go to doggy daycare after they are about twelve weeks old and fully vaccinated.

Family and Friends

potty train miniature schnauzer

Never underestimate the power of using family and friends to help out during your time of need. If your family or friends’ schedules allow for it, most people are willing to help those that they love. And who wouldn’t want to help out an adorable miniature schnauzer?

Dog Walkers

It’s unfair to blame a puppy for an accident if they had to wait hours to go potty. And if you have no other options like daycare or family and friends then you need to find another suitable option. Dog walkers are much more flexible in their schedules, so finding one that works for your schedule shouldn’t be too difficult. 

The best advice on finding a good dog walker is through word of mouth. Talk with friends who have dogs. Or get on your local Facebook pages and ask for recommendations. Those dog walkers who are referenced are the ones you’re going to want to stick with. 

How Often Do Schnauzer Puppies Poop and Pee? 

Oftentimes when it comes to potty training, we are prepared for the pee. But, we tend to forget that potty training is just as much about pooping as it is about peeing. And we have to be prepared for both. 

When schnauzers are born, they will need to relieve themselves at every single feeding, PetMD shares. So, for the first several weeks just be prepared to clean those messes up when they happen. Have ready-made solutions at your fingertips to avoid a bigger cleanup than is necessary. (Puppy pads, wipes, cleaning supplies, etc.) 

As they get older, say 12 weeks they will start to gain control over their bowels and only need to go a handful of times. By the time they reach about 16 weeks old they typically only relieve themselves about three times a day. 

So, yes, you’ve guessed it, the sweet spot for potty training a puppy is right between 12-16 weeks. Every miniature schnauzer puppy is different in their development phase. So, keep an eye out on how your puppy is doing, and evaluate if they are ready. Once you feel they are, this is when it’s time to get on a scheduled routine. 

Setting Puppy Potty Schedule

There is no perfect schedule to keep. Sure, you will find many breeders out there that will give different schedules, and of course all puppy owners you know will want to give their feedback as well. But, at the end of the day, every schnauzer’s needs are different. And your schedule is different than others. So, do what works well for you and your puppy. 

Schnauzers thrive on routine. Schedule everything from the time you take them potty to when they eat as part of your shared routine. You can adjust the routine to match your schedule, but there are a couple of things to remember.

  1. A puppy should be going potty approximately every three hours, but up to four hours.
  2. Your puppy will need to go potty approximately ten minutes after they eat. That means you need to schedule potty times around feeding times.

Example Schedule – Miniature Puppy Potty Training

TimeWhat To Do
7 am Take your puppy out to go potty (the moment they wake up.)
7:10 am Feed your puppy
7:20 am Take your puppy out to go potty (because they just ate.)
10:20 amTake your puppy out to go potty
1:20 pmFeed your puppy
1:30 pm Take your puppy out to go potty 
4:30 pmTake your puppy out to go potty
5:00 pm Feed your puppy (for the last time of the night. Don’t let your puppy eat after 5 pm.)
5:10 pmTake your puppy out to go potty
8:10 pmTake your puppy out to go potty (before everyone settles down for the night.) 
1:00 amTake your puppy out to go potty (Select a time in the middle of the night to get up that works for you.)

Ways to Make Potty Time Easier

Potty training a new puppy is always a difficult task. It requires knowledge of your puppy’s needs and adherence to a routine that meets them. But, there is hope. Schnauzers are intelligent dogs that can potty train quickly with the right support.

In addition to a strict schedule that your miniature schnauzer puppy can adhere to, the following things may help to make potty time easier for both you and your puppy. 

Time Outside

Much like toddlers, puppies have a bunch of pent-up energy that needs to be released. They are endlessly curious about the world around, them and the people who adore them. In order to give them the release they need, spending time outside is instrumental. 

The Humane Society of the United States recommends that you find a certain spot outside where your puppy can always relieve themselves. This helps to reinforce the mindset that every time you are at that place, they need to go potty. 

Crate for Schnauzer Puppies

Picking a schnauzer crate is an excellent tool for potty training. The goal is to only have to purchase one that they can use for a lifetime. So, you want to get the best quality out there that you can find. We personally recommend using the following crates: 

We recommend keeping the puppy in the crate at night. If they have an accident, it won’t be cleaned up immediately. But, a crate with a removable tray makes for easy cleanup. 

Also, a puppy having to lay next to their waste all night will make them less likely to have an accident again. (This is designed to make the puppy not want to relieve themselves in a closed space they are laying next to.) 

Gate Off a Room While You’re Gone 

Puppies need to get their energy out. And keeping them cooped up for hours if you have to step outside of the house is unkind to an energetic puppy. 

Simply gate off a safe room in your house, and get them puppy pads or even newspapers to relieve themselves on. And don’t forget to leave them a few toys so they don’t get into mischief. 

Be patient with the process of potty training your schnauzer puppy. Sometimes it can take a few weeks, and sometimes it can take longer. The more consistent that you are with a scheduled routine, the better off your puppy will be to understand the seriousness of it. 

And if you’re ever in doubt about more tips and tricks to help your puppy then subscribe to our email list below so you’ll be in the know!